
Investigation into Faith Winter’s ethics complaint progresses

Investigation into Faith Winter’s ethics complaint progresses

The Colorado State Senate is launching an ethics committee investigation after receiving a complaint against Democratic Senator Faith Winter alleging that she appeared intoxicated during a public meeting in Northglenn in April.

The city council filed the complaint with the state legislature in May by a vote of 9 to 0, saying Winter had failed to “carry out her office with integrity.”

Winter, the Senate’s deputy majority leader, has publicly apologized for the incident. During the legislative session, she resigned from her post as chair of the Senate Transportation Committee.

“I know my demeanor at the town hall meeting was inappropriate and harsh for those in attendance,” Winter said. “That night I began seeking treatment for my drug addiction, which was difficult, especially with the whole world watching, but I’m glad I did it.”

Winter does not deny that she suffered from alcohol abuse. However, the panel will decide whether this was an ethical violation and whether Winter will face consequences.

The five-member committee will be chaired by Democratic Senator Julie Gonzales. Democratic Senators James Coleman and Dylan Roberts, Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen and Republican Senator Bob Gardner will also serve as members.

Why did Northglenn file the complaint?

Northglenn Mayor Meredith Leighty said the decision to file the ethics complaint was not made lightly, but was a responsible decision.

“I am glad we were taken seriously. I hope the outcome of the investigation benefits all of the people Senator Winter represents, especially our residents of Northglenn,” Leighty said in a written statement.

She also said that given Winter’s behavior at a large public meeting, the Northglenn City Council strongly believes the issue needs to be addressed, adding that they hope she will be given the time and space to focus on her health.

How do we proceed?

It is not yet clear when the Ethics Committee will hold a public hearing or whether the panel will take disciplinary action. Winter returned to his job at the state Capitol for the final part of the legislative session, which ended May 8.

Winter urged the city council to “stand by those in our community who are going through difficult times and not put them down,” saying she hopes doing so will reduce the stigma against those seeking treatment.