
Alejandra Guzmán assures that she is approved by Silvia Pinal

Alejandra Guzmán assures that she is approved by Silvia Pinal

A month ago, it was said that the girls of Silvia Pinal want to despoil the actress of her wealth. The theme of the fortune of the “Diva of Mexican cinema” is now present and it turns out that Doña Silvia was the victim of a fraud and a millionaire murder.

According to a report by ‘TVNotas’, it is estimated that the celebrity lost around 24,000,000 pesos (1,207,770 dollars). It happened while she was giving up the presidency of the Rafael Banquells Association, which has its headquarters in the theater that takes the name of the actress.

According to information from the Mexican magazine, the reason for this is the situation that arises with the head of the precarious health situation that Pinal is experiencing, who cannot attend to various matters. Porello, Alejandra Guzman make sure it is approved by your mother.

A source, whose identity has not been revealed, informed that the person presumed guilty of the famous woman’s injury was Amparo Garrido, to whom Silvia Pinal had entrusted the association’s mandate. “Due to her state of health, Silvia has lost some of her functions. Entrusted to Amparo,” he said.

According to the report, Pinal recommended it to the association, but it abused its functions. “Without notifying Pinal, it was Guillermo Lozano as administrator. Launch a plan to smooth everything out,” the source said.

The person indicated that the matriarch of los Pinal was devoid of pieces of great value. “The association has its headquarters in the Silvia Pinal Theater. These people change, and direct works of art, as well as furniture valued in thousands of pesos. Alejandra Guzmán enters and came to recover,” he said.

The person reporting added that the actress’s health issue was the perfect excuse to act in its opposite. El pasado mes de avril, Michelle Salas He found out the health status of the first actress. This topic was not said for your family, but at the same time, it was approved for the flight.

During the periodic investigation, the source assured that on July 2, the association called an assembly with the end of the decision of Doña Silvia Pinal without having voted for the important decisions.

Before her success, Alejandra Guzmán expressed: “The Rafael Banquels association dismissed my mother, who supported the president and who helped everyone: the lives of theater, cinema and television.” The song added that it will proceed legally.

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