
Shark attacks 14-year-old and bites leg at North Topsail Beach, NC

Shark attacks 14-year-old and bites leg at North Topsail Beach, NC

The boy was rescued by passersby after the attack on North Topsail Beach in North Carolina.


A 14-year-old West Virginia boy was bitten by a shark while swimming near a North Carolina beach, authorities said Tuesday.

The boy was in the water around 12:30 p.m. Sunday when a shark attacked and bit him, North Topsail Beach Police Chief William K. Younginer told USA TODAY. Bystanders immediately intervened when the incident occurred, getting the boy out of the water and providing first aid with towels and pressure to stop the bleeding, Younginer said.

Luckily for the victim, officers and paramedics were already on the beach with another incident and were able to reach him quickly.

“Police officers applied a tourniquet and emergency medical services stabilized the patient,” Younginer said, adding that he was immediately taken to the nearest trauma center where they were able to “repair the leg.”

Take a close look at the latest data: How common are shark attacks in the United States?

Younginer said the boy is recovering well and could be released soon. He thanked the passersby who immediately intervened and helped the boy.

“There have been no reports of a sighting of the shark and this is an unusual occurrence for this area,” Younginer said.

North Topsail Beach is located on the Atlantic Ocean, about 40 miles from Wilmington.

Five ways to reduce your risk of attack

Shark attacks are more common during the summer season as people head towards the ocean and open water to cool off. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when swimming:

  • Do not go into the water alone. Take a swimming partner with you.
  • Do not swim at dawn or dusk. The light is dim, increasing the risk that a shark will mistake you for other prey.
  • Do not enter waters where fishing takes place.
  • Don’t wear shiny jewelry. It can catch the sunlight and glitter, similar to fish being hunted by sharks.
  • Try to avoid splashing, as this creates a sound similar to that of wriggling fish, which can attract sharks.

Contributor: Janet Loehrke, USA TODAY

Saman Shafiq is a trending news reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X @saman_shafiq7.