
Buffalo school board controversy: Teachers’ duties debated

Buffalo school board controversy: Teachers’ duties debated

At a recent Buffalo Public School Board meeting, School Board President Sharon Belton-Cottman said, “We pay teachers generously…a lot is given, a lot is asked” in this regard. which concerns the obligation of teachers to put an end to fights. Comparing teachers’ raises to those received in corporate America, where ending conflicts is not part of the job description, is ridiculous. Teachers are there to educate children, not to act as security or police officers. We are mandated journalists and should not put our hands on children. We would be accused of child abuse if we did. We have teachers, administrators, and teaching assistants/aides receiving workers’ compensation due to injuries sustained during fight interruptions in which the injuries are not short-term and have had life-changing consequences. Educators were trampled in fights that resulted in hospital treatment as well as subsequent mental health treatment for the trauma experienced. Teachers work for the BOE, our employers should keep us safe and not threaten legal action because someone decided a fight wasn’t properly broken up. Perhaps the BOE should look at what isn’t working for students and listen to educators who work with students about what will actually benefit all students. Staff members always intervene in some form in physical altercations on behalf of all students. As educators, our first priority is always the safety of our students and their learning environment. The BOE should also protect staff.