
Man charged with terrorizing and domestic violence after gun threat incident | News

Man charged with terrorizing and domestic violence after gun threat incident | News

According to a complaint filed in the Supreme Court of Guam, a 53-year-old man was charged with threatening with a firearm on June 10 in Inalåhan.

Glenn Aguon Meno was charged with two counts of terrorizing and two counts of domestic violence, as well as special allegations of possession and use of a deadly weapon in the commission of a third-degree felony, the indictment states.

Police responded to a disturbance at a home in Inalåhan on June 10.

They met a woman who said Meno was shouting outside her house and accusing her family of stealing his property. The woman knows Meno.

The woman said she saw Meno touching her personal belongings and she told him to leave because he was trespassing. Meno then yelled that he was going to punch her in the face, the complaint states.

The woman’s son then confronted Meno, who then went to his car and got a long rifle, the indictment says.

Meno fired four shots into the air and the woman, her son and other family members ran inside and hid in a bedroom, the documents say. She heard Meno calling his children into the house and then she heard things being thrown inside the house, followed by three gunshots.

People outside were shouting at the people inside the house to “get out of the house.”

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The woman said she feared for her safety and that of her family when shots were fired.

The woman’s son confirmed the statement and added that he was afraid they would all be shot, the complaint said.

Another woman who lives in the house with her toddler said she heard a commotion outside the house. She saw Meno looking in through the window and heard him yelling for everyone to get out of the house. He threw a brown plastic object that was part of a playhouse into the house, documents say.

The woman blocked the object with her arm to protect her baby. As she screamed, Meno pointed his gun at the window in her direction and she ran into another bedroom where other family members were hiding, the complaint said.

While she was there, she heard objects being thrown around and heard several gunshots outside the house.

Two days after the incident, police questioned Meno and he told them that he and the family living in the house had an argument. He believed that someone living in the house had stolen some items and gone into the house. The woman told Meno not to touch her property, after which an argument ensued and someone threw an object at him.

Meno admitted he was in possession of a firearm and said it was dark and he was alone, so he got his rifle from his vehicle, loaded it and put a round in the chamber, the indictment says.

He admitted that he called his children for help and that he had no intention of shooting anyone. He never fired a shot, the documents say.