
WATCH: Hearing goes off the rails as Ted Cruz accuses Biden officials of funding Hamas attack on Israel

WATCH: Hearing goes off the rails as Ted Cruz accuses Biden officials of funding Hamas attack on Israel

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz didn’t mince his words when questioning Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a heated Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Tuesday.

The tense standoff between the two began with Cruz denouncing the Biden administration’s “worst foreign policy disaster in modern times,” citing its handling of Iran and the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel, and culminated in The senator indirectly accused the White House of funding the attack.

“Secretary, you have dealt with the worst foreign policy disaster in modern times,” Cruz began. “When Joe Biden became president, he inherited world peace and prosperity. We now have two wars at once: the worst war in Europe since World War II and the worst war in the Middle East in 50 years. Both, I believe, were caused by the continued weakness of this government.”


“Their foreign policy is the exact opposite of what a rational American foreign policy should be toward our friends and allies. This government has constantly undermined, weakened and attacked them,” he added. “And toward our enemies, this administration has demonstrated a constant policy of appeasement and has actually funneled billions of dollars to the enemies of America who want to kill us.”

The two clashed over the Biden administration’s efforts to stop Israel from attacking Rafah, a city in the Gaza Strip, as part of its efforts to root out Hamas terrorists among the Palestinians, with Cruz demanding to know whether it had provided Israel with intelligence information about the terrorists would have offered if they would hold back the attack.

Blinken denied that such actions were taken and tried to point to what he said was President Biden’s support for Israel, but Cruz stopped him, saying he was not interested in a “campaign speech.”

Cruz continued to press him, but Blinken called the notion “misleading and false” and said the U.S. government was sharing intelligence when it was available.


Blink, Cruz

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz. (Getty Images)

Cruz then accused Blinken and the State Department of repeatedly telling Israel “not to kill Hamas terrorists,” citing a tweet the department later deleted immediately after the Oct. 7 attack, calling on Israel “not to take military retaliation.”

“Senator, I was in Israel five days after October 7th. Since then I have been there seven times. No one, starting with President Biden, has done more to ensure he has what he needs to defend himself against Hamas and deal with the threat,” Blinken said as Cruz pushed back.

“That’s just wrong. … That’s ridiculous,” Cruz said, asking if the government had stopped supplying weapons to Israel.

Blinken denied that the administration had stopped all arms shipments, but Cruz began pressing him about financing Iran.

Cruz noted that Iranian oil production has increased since Biden took office and that the country has developed more “ghost ships” to evade sanctions imposed on the country and transport the oil.

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Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi

In this photo released by the Iranian Presidential Office, President Ebrahim Raisi attends a meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev during the inauguration ceremony of the Qiz Qalasi dam, or “Castel of Girl” in Azerbaijan, on the Iran-Azerbaijan border on Sunday, May, part 19. 2024. (Iranian President’s Office via AP)

“This administration is desperate to get a new deal with Iran. They have been showering Iran with money since day one,” Cruz said, referring to the administration’s “refusal to enforce oil sanctions.”

“In every sense of the word, this administration, you and President Biden, funded the October 7 attacks by funneling $100 billion to a murderous, genocidal regime that funded those attacks,” he added.

Blinken quickly hit back, calling Cruz’s statement “deeply false” and “disgraceful,” to which he responded, “Why?”

“We have repeatedly taken action against Iran and imposed more than 600 sanctions against it,” Blinken said.


“Why are they selling 10 million barrels a day versus 300,000?” Cruz replied.

Blinken argued that Iran is working hard to circumvent sanctions and that the administration continues to “attack” them every day, even though the country is “determined” to sell more oil.

“They were not decisive when Trump was president,” Cruz said.