
Home Depot settles overbilling claims for $2 million

Home Depot settles overbilling claims for  million

Home Depot has agreed to pay nearly $2 million to resolve allegations that the company overcharged customers and misrepresented prices on items, it was announced Thursday.

The agreement follows a civil complaint filed by the district attorneys’ offices in San Diego, Alameda, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Sonoma counties.

Prosecutors say Home Depot customers were charged more than the prices displayed on items because of what are called “scanner violations.” This occurs when the prices listed for items on shelves are different from the prices seen when the items are scanned at the checkout counter.

Home Depot entered into the settlement without admitting any liability or wrongdoing.

As part of the settlement, the company will pay $1.7 million in civil penalties, plus $277,251 to cover prosecutors’ investigation costs and fund other consumer protection efforts. Home Depot will also implement new price accuracy verification procedures that will eliminate weekend price increases and establish audits and training on state price accuracy requirements.

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