
ARC 2024 population estimates show the Atlanta area added 62,700 residents in the past year

ARC 2024 population estimates show the Atlanta area added 62,700 residents in the past year

Atlanta — July 10, 2024

The 11-county Atlanta region gained 62,700 residents between April 2023 and April 2024, bringing the total population to 5.2 million, according to 2024 population estimates released today by the Atlanta Regional Commission. The ARC board is expected to vote on the estimates at its next meeting on Aug. 28.

* includes the city of Atlanta
** United States Census

Growth in the 11-county region slowed slightly from 2022-23, when the region added 66,730 people. That reflected a slowdown in building permitting activity and a slight moderation in job growth. Higher home prices also dampened population growth.

The fastest growth rate over the past year was in the city of Atlanta (2.1%), which added 10,800 people, followed by Cherokee County (1.9%), which added 5,400 people, and Henry County (1.8%), which added 4,750 people.

Each of the 11 counties in metro Atlanta saw population growth over the past year. Fulton County, which includes the city of Atlanta, added 17,400 residents, the largest increase in the region, followed by Gwinnett (14,900), Cobb (6,700) and Cherokee (5,400). Gwinnett’s population topped 1 million for the first time, now at 1,012,112.

Douglas County saw a significant increase year-over-year, with a growth rate of 1.6%, compared to 0.9% in 2022-23. Douglas gained 2,400 residents in the past year and now has a population of 153,000.

“People across the country choose metro Atlanta because of our excellent quality of life and our vibrant, diverse economy,” said ARC Board Chairman Andre Dickens, who also serves as Atlanta Mayor. “Of course, our continued growth is not guaranteed. We must continue to invest in our region’s infrastructure to ensure a prosperous future.”

The region’s growth is driven by the economy. The number of jobs in metro Atlanta has increased 6.4% since the pandemic began in early 2020. That’s the seventh-highest rate in the country among selected metro peers, behind Austin, Dallas, Las Vegas and Orlando, Houston and Miami.

In 2023, 28,595 residential building permits were issued in the 11-county region, a decrease of 21%, or nearly 7,500 permits, from 2022. Current building permit activity remains below pre-Great Recession permit levels and has fallen below the average annual level of 33,430 from 1980-2023.

The city of Atlanta once again led the region in building permits issued, with 7,621, 85 percent of which were for multifamily housing. Gwinnett had the second-highest number of permits issued, with 5,423, followed by Cobb with 2,956 and DeKalb with 2,276.

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NOTE: Under state law, the ARC is required to estimate the population of the 11 ARC counties and the city of Atlanta each year for the purpose of collecting assessments from its member jurisdictions.

ARC population estimates for major jurisdictions are developed using a combination of data sources, including building permit data, a demographic accounting equation generated by the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute, school enrollment trends, occupancy rates, and more. The basis for each successive year’s estimates is the previous year’s estimate, with the starting point for the decade’s intrachannel estimates being the decennial census count.

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