
Thursday Lineup and Main Concert Series Announced in Buffalo

Thursday Lineup and Main Concert Series Announced in Buffalo

Thursday Lineup and Main Concert Series Announced in BuffaloThursday and Main’s eighth anniversary lineup has been announced for this year between June 6 and August 1.

Fountain Plaza, on Main Street in Buffalo, will host the following artists on stage from 5 to 8 p.m.

  • June 6 – Fairchild organ with Diyené
  • June 13 – The Strictly Hip with Erin Hoyle
  • June 20 – Handsome Jack with Uncle Ben’s cure
  • June 27 – Super American with Letter to Elise
  • 11 July – Sons of the Sun with A Safe Home for Tigers
  • July 18 – Willie Nile with A Potter’s Field
  • July 25 –Dwayne Gretzky
  • 1st of August – The lowest of the low with you insulators

Different local restaurants will be on site for each concert.