
Man cut in half by forklift – heartbreaking confession about his life since the devastating accident

Man cut in half by forklift – heartbreaking confession about his life since the devastating accident

In 2019, Loren Schauers was going about his normal job when the forklift he was operating fell off a bridge and landed on him.

The Montana native’s injuries were catastrophic and to save his life, Loren had to undergo a hemicorporectomy – the amputation of all body parts below the waist.

He also lost half of his right arm in the terrible accident.

But the most horrifying thing was that Loren admitted that he was “conscious” the whole time, even at the moment the forklift fell on him.

Loren Schauers had to have everything below the waist amputated after a forklift landed on him (SWNS)

Loren Schauers had to have everything below the waist amputated after a forklift landed on him (SWNS)

Now Loren documents his life with wife Sabia Reiche on social media, sharing details about everything from the way he showers to going to the bathroom bare bottom.

Earlier this year, he shared a heartbreaking confession on Facebook about his life since the devastating accident.

In one post, he wrote: “Am I the only one who has a hard time making friends? I’m never really busy, I just don’t know who to approach and let into my life.”

“Plus, I’ve been betrayed in so many ways by so many ‘friends’ that maybe I have trust issues letting people into my life who won’t steal from me, who won’t take advantage of what they can, that sort of thing.

“I know it’s stupid to put this on a Facebook post, but hey! If anyone is looking for a friend! I’m always free and need to make some friends.

“I haven’t hung out with anyone outside of family in over a year it seems to me lol. Message me!”

He admits that it has been difficult to make friends since his accident (SWNS)

He admits that it has been difficult to make friends since his accident (SWNS)

Loren had previously spoken openly in a YouTube Live video about being “disappointed” in some of his friends. He said they had “completely withdrawn and lived a reclusive life” since his accident.

His wife Sabia also said she was “surprised” by her behavior.

“But I don’t care, you know,” Loren said. “I have Sabia, that’s all I need.”

“Going through this together has definitely strengthened many aspects of our relationship.”

And Sabia explained: “It has made us appreciate the little things that we used to take for granted as a couple.”

However, he also said that “a few friends came out of hiding and really supported us.”

And the Internet has served him well in his search for new friends: countless people have contacted him and said that they would like to be friends with Loren.