
Leftists criticize RFK Jr.’s wife for supporting him after Trump’s election campaign: “You suck”

Leftists criticize RFK Jr.’s wife for supporting him after Trump’s election campaign: “You suck”

The left-wing hate mob was in uproar after independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. abandoned his campaign and endorsed Donald J. Trump. His wife, actress Cheryl Hines, soon found herself in the crosshairs.

On Friday, RFK Jr. backed up reports that he would support the former president in his fight against the fanatical authoritarian Democratic Party. And much to the dismay of Kamala Harris’s surrogates on social media, Hines stood by her man.

“The decision has been made to suspend the presidency of my husband, Robert Kennedy Jr., and I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all of the individuals who worked so tirelessly and lovingly on his campaign. They accomplished feats thought impossible,” Hines wrote in a post to X, thanking the volunteers. “They collected over a million signatures, more than any other candidate in history, and fought for ballot access across the country despite the obstacles and lawsuits brought against them, with the sole goal of keeping Bobby off the ballot so no one would even have the opportunity to vote for him.”

“I deeply respect Bobby’s decision to run on the basis of unity. Over the last year and a half, I have met extraordinary people from all parties – Democrats, Republicans and independents. My experience has been that the vast majority of all parties are genuinely good people who want the best for our country and for each other. It has been an eye-opening, transformative and endearing journey,” Hines added, supporting her husband despite spoiling the mood a day after Democrats crowned Harris at their convention after she came to office following a coup against Joe Biden.

It was a noble message from Hines, who was mercilessly torn to pieces by angry supporters of the regime.

“If you have an ounce of integrity, you will support Kamala Harris. Otherwise, you will be a member of the Trump cult,” wrote columnist Norman Ornstein, who sips from the Trump hate cult’s Kool-Aid bottle.

“You suck. I can’t even enjoy episodes of Drop It Larry! with you anymore,” wrote another hater.

More examples of the vitriol that the “Leave it alone, Larry!” star faced.

“I am so grateful to my wonderful wife Cheryl for her unconditional love as I made a political decision that she is very uncomfortable with. I wish that for the country too – love and unity even when there are differences of opinion. That is what we will need in the times ahead,” RFK Jr. wrote, expressing his love and gratitude for his wife for not giving in to her Trump-hating Hollywood colleagues.


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