
Urgent alarm for action as Israel escalates genocide in Gaza

Urgent alarm for action as Israel escalates genocide in Gaza

Last night, Israeli warplanes funded and equipped by the US and Europe bombed Rafah, where 1.4 million Palestinians have sought refuge. Israeli airstrikes bombed a supposed “safe zone” where forcibly relocated Palestinians slept in plastic tents, setting fire to the entire area, killing at least 40 people and injuring hundreds more, mostly women and children. Many were burned alive.

Former UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness described this latest massacre as “the crime of all crimes” and noted Israel’s blatant disregard for the Genocide Convention.

Still, The Western-dominated international system continues to allow Israel to inflict one horror after another, one massacre after another on the Palestinians, without anyone being held accountable. Not just during the more than seven months of the world’s first live-streamed genocide, but for 76 years.

We must Increase pressure now to stop this genocide in Gaza!

Only greater popular participation can lead to more comprehensive boycotts, divestment and lawful sanctions to force the genocidal US-Israel axis to cease and ultimately help us overthrow the oppressive regime that underlies it.

Take action now:

  1. Mobilize to pressure your government and parliament to immediately impose a #militaryembargo on Israel, as the UN Human Rights Council and dozens of UN human rights experts have called for. This should include the sale and transfer of weapons, military equipment and dual-use technology, cutting military funding in the case of the US, and a ban on the import of Israeli weapons and spyware, as well as joint military and security projects.

  2. Join groups, especially trade unions, to peacefully disrupt the transport of weapons, weapons parts and other military equipment to Israel, including transit states.

  3. Take action against the companies that profit from genocide and apartheid in Israel.

  4. Wherever possible, take part in demonstrations in your country and demand: Ceasefire NOW! Lift the siege NOW! #MilitaryEmbargo.

  5. Organize or join groups that organize peaceful disruptions, sit-ins, and occupations targeting complicit government agencies, lawmakers, complicit public and private institutions, or complicit corporations targeted by BDS campaigns.

  6. Raise awareness about Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid in your community and support your community/center/workplace/union/organization to declare itself an Apartheid Free Zone (AFZ). A toolkit and checklist are available.

  7. If you have not already done so, convince your city council/trade union/cultural and academic institutions to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire and lifting of the siege, and to sever the existing complicity with Israel’s apartheid system, its complicit institutions and corporations that enable the genocide and underlying apartheid.

Channel your anger, frustration and grief into effective, strategic BDS actions and pressure to stop the genocide and ultimately help Palestinians overthrow Israel’s 76-year-old regime of settler colonialism and apartheid, which is the root cause of this oppression and unspeakable violence.