
Mexican Star! Lyn May Demands Recognition for Her Fashion Influence

Mexican Star! Lyn May Demands Recognition for Her Fashion Influence

Photo: Iconic Mexican artist Lyn May sparks intense debate/Cortesía
Photo: Iconic Mexican artist Lyn May sparks intense debate/Cortesía

Lyn May, the iconic Mexican artist, There has been an intense debate on social media to claim that international artists have copied their style. Interviews that he shared on TikTok, the the star accompanies who figures as Jennifer Lopez and Madonna imitated her aesthetic.

According to May, Lopez has adopted some of the looks designed by Mitzywho also works for singing. In addition, we see that the queen of pop has reproduced her famous skin.

In an Instagram post, Lyn May showed comparison photos between herself and others contemporary artists, like Cardi by Megan Thee Stallionhighlighting the similarities in their attention. He claimed that his originality and avant-garde made his style a reference, which, according to her, earned him the “prize” of being imitated.

The artist describes herself as “famous, original, revolutionary and pioneer in fashion”, This is what generated various reactions among network users.. While some respect your position, stating that there are indeed similarities in styles, others are mocked by your statements, considering that fashion is a field where influences are common.

Lyn May furious at celebrities copying her look
Photo: Lyn May furious at celebrities copying her look /Cortesía

Lyn May remains a benchmark in the industry

This phenomenon only resalts the trayectoria of Lyn May, otherwise that also to relieve the constant intertextuality in the world of entertainment, where influences and inspirations are inevitable.

Without embargo, the debate on the Originality in fashion and art continues, Dejando has the spotlight in the center of attention. With her undeniable style and defensive personality, Lyn May has become a reference in the industry, at odds with her lawyer’s defender.
