
Atlanta’s Queer Arts Alliance discusses the challenges and accomplishments of the city’s LGBTQ+ arts scene – WABE

Atlanta’s Queer Arts Alliance discusses the challenges and accomplishments of the city’s LGBTQ+ arts scene – WABE

A conversation, celebration, and affirmation of Atlanta’s queer arts community will take place at the Out Front Theater on May 15, with a panel discussion titled “AQuAA Net” as the central theme. AQuAA, of course, stands for Atlanta Queer Arts Alliance, founded by Out Front Theater artistic director Paul Conroy and Out on Film festival director Jim Farmer.

With seven participating organizations represented in the LGBTQ+ performing arts, “AQuAA Net” aims to remind Atlanta’s queer artists how, in the words of Jim Farmer, “we all fit together like a puzzle.” “City Lights” host Lois Reitzes spoke with Farmer and Conroy about the upcoming event.