
Single vehicle accident at roundabout near Lancaster | 97 Seven Country WGLR – The best country variety of the three states

Single vehicle accident at roundabout near Lancaster | 97 Seven Country WGLR – The best country variety of the three states

The Grant County Sheriff’s Office responded to an incident involving a vehicle Accident at the roundabout on Highway 35/61/81 near Lancaster On Wednesday. 62 years old Randall Eilderts from Ackley, Iowa was southbound on Highway 61 in A FreightlineR Semi, pulls an empty grain trailer. Eilderts could not see the roundabout due to the heavy rain as he approached from the north end. When Eilderts realized he was approaching the roundabout, unsuccessfully tried to slow down his truck. Eilderts hit the curb, causing his truck to be thrown partially into the air for a short time. Eilderts The tractor-trailer continued driving and struck the grassy knoll in the middle of the roundabout. Eildert’s tractor-trailer then tipped over onto the west side of the roundabout, drove over an embankment and struck a light pole before coming to a stop. Eilderts was uninjured in the accident and his tractor-trailer had moderate damage. The Grant County Sheriff’s Office was supports on site by the Lancaster Fire Department and B&M Auto, Tire and Towing of Bloomington.