
British teenager ‘raped on the street in Mallorca, Spain while attacker’s two friends watched’

British teenager ‘raped on the street in Mallorca, Spain while attacker’s two friends watched’

A bar manager in Mallorca was arrested on Friday over the alleged rape of a British teenage tourist.

Two of the suspect’s friends are wanted by the Civil Guard because they witnessed the attack and did nothing to prevent it.

The incident occurred at around 4 a.m. on Friday in a nightclub in s’Illot, Sant Llorenc.



The tourist. 19, went into the bar and chatted with one of the employees, who invited her to have several glasses of alcohol.

After consuming the drinks, the woman became unwell and the bar manager, along with two friends, took her to a warehouse where they suggested having sex with her.

The frightened Brit rejected their advances and managed to open a door to get out onto the street.

According to her Civil Guard statement, she was followed by the trio who grabbed her and took her to a remote area.

The bar manager pounced on her and took advantage of the empty street to rape her.

The victim said the man’s friends did nothing to intervene and went back to her hotel, where she reported the assault.

She gave a good description of her attacker – a Spaniard – and he was arrested and brought before a judge.

The manager denied forcing himself on the tourist, sources quoted said Ultima Hora Newspaper.

His two Spanish friends are wanted by the Guardia Civil as witnesses and may also be charged with failing to provide assistance.