
Authorities order construction halt on huge “music pool” on Otres beach

Authorities order construction halt on huge “music pool” on Otres beach

The Preah Sihanouk provincial administration has ordered a company to stop the construction of an 8,612 square meter music pool and seawall on Otres Beach in Sihanoukville.

The project, launched by Yunnan Jingcheng Co., Ltd., envisages a water music pool with colored lights floating on the open sea that can spray water up to a height of 60 meters.

In addition to a barrier that prevents waves from hitting the pool, there is also a pedestrian walkway that allows the public to go out fishing, take photos, etc.

By letter No. 1042 DONS/Cabinet dated 8 May 2024 from the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, it was agreed in principle to apply for a permit for the construction of an 8,612 square meter music pool and a 420 meter seawall along Otres Beach, but these infrastructures must be in the public interest.

After receiving this approval, the company was informed that it had to meet the following three conditions:

1 / Request to cooperate with the Department of Land Administration, Urban Planning, Construction and Cadastral Affairs of Preah Sihanouk Province to clearly define the location of the construction site, music pool, water splash and sea barrier, and request the principle of public land use from the Royal Government.

2 / Examine the project of music pool, water splashes and sea barrier to ensure that it meets the technical specifications and unique identity of Sihanoukville and adds additional beauty to the coastal area to attract domestic and international tourists.

3/ Apply for a building permit and a building permit from the Ministry of Land Administration, Urban Planning and Construction in accordance with the current procedures.

On the morning of June 10, 2024, the provincial joint working group led by Mr. I Sok Leng, Deputy Governor of the Sihanoukville Provincial Board of Governors, inspected the proposed site for the construction of a large water park.

However, during the inspection of the actual site by the provincial joint team, it was found that Yunnan Jingcheng Co., Ltd. did not have sufficient legal documents, especially the three conditions of Letter No. 1042 Don/Cabinet dated May 8, 2024 of the Ministry of Land Administration, Urban Planning and Construction.

Mr. E Sok Leng, Deputy Governor of Preah Sihanouk Province and Chairman of the Working Group, therefore informed the company of the following:

– The company has to stop the construction site completely

– The company must excavate the land on the beach and repair the granite road to return it to its original condition.

– The company must cooperate with the provincial department of land administration, urban planning, construction and cadastre to determine the exact location of the construction site, music pool, water jet and sea barrier, and submit it to the provincial administration for review before submitting the principle of public beach land use to the royal government.

– The company must review the design of the music pool, water splashes and sea barrier to ensure that it meets the technical specifications and the unique identity of Sihanoukville, thereby attracting tourists and investors.

– The company must thoroughly investigate the environmental impact

– The company must apply for a building permit and a building permit from the Ministry of Land Administration, Urban Planning and Construction.

– The company must cooperate with the relevant authorities and departments to implement the project in accordance with applicable procedures and legal documents.

According to the company, it is confusing that the company obtains the construction right in a letter from the Ministry of Land Administration, Urban Planning and Construction and then starts the construction site, but after listening to the instructions of the provincial working group, the company has a clear understanding. And it will follow the three points of the letter No. 1042 Don/Cabinet dated May 8, 2024 from the Ministry of Land Administration, Urban Planning and Construction and the provincial joint working group.


  • Keywords: Otres, Sihanoukville