
Aggressive street gangster who attacked taxi driver sentenced

Aggressive street gangster who attacked taxi driver sentenced

A thug who mistakenly attacked a taxi driver due to road rage was today ordered to pay his victim £2,000.

Ibraheem Khan, 27, attacked Abdelella Yousif in Glasgow’s St George’s Cross on November 13, 2022.

Mr Yousif had pulled in behind Khan, who had stopped at a green light, and honked his horn to alert a customer to his presence.

Khan’s passenger called out to Mr Yousif before driving off and then stopping in front of the taxi driver.

Khan and his passenger then hit Mr Yousif on the head, breaking his nose.

The attacker then drove away on the wrong side of the road and crashed his vehicle into another car.

Khan pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Mr Yousif, causing him serious injury and permanent disfigurement.

Khan, from Kelvinside, also admitted being charged with dangerous driving.

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Sheriff Andrew Cubie said: “This was an unbelievable offence.

“The victim honked his horn to get the passenger he was picking up to go.

“You were in a car and you perceived this as disrespect and your behaviour was very disproportionate.

“The detention threshold has been exceeded and I have examined the matter carefully.

“The submission of your confession, a positive criminal record, remorse and employment reference, a difficult childhood as well as the absence of similar crimes and a low risk of reoffending will save you from being remanded in custody.”

The sheriff imposed compensation of £2,000, which Khan will pay to his victim.

Khan was also fined £800 and ordered to do 250 hours of unpaid work.

He has also been tagged for eight months and will be kept indoors between 8pm and 6am and placed under supervision for 12 months.

Khan’s driving license was revoked for 12 months and must take an extended test after the period has expired.

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The court had previously heard that Khan’s Volkswagen Golf had stopped at a green light when Mr Yousif pulled in behind him.

Mr. Yousif honked to indicate to his customer that he had arrived.

The occupants of the Golf complained about this and one of the passengers shouted at Mr Yousif.

Khan drove off at the traffic lights and stopped a short distance in front of Mr Yousif’s taxi.

The driver continued onto the road to pick up his customer before Khan drove his vehicle closer to the taxi.

Khan’s passenger shouted at Mr Yousif and gestured aggressively before the two got out of the Golf.

Prosecutor Alasdair Knox said: “Mr Yousif’s driver’s side window was open at the time.

“The male passenger then hit the victim on the head and face through the window.

“The male passenger then opened the driver’s door and continued to hit Mr Yousif.”

As Khan approached him, the victim pushed himself out of the vehicle.

Mr Knox added: ‘Khan then repeatedly punched him on the head.

“This part of the attack lasted between 10 and 14 seconds. Khan then went back to the Gulf.”

The attack left Mr Yousif’s nose burst and covered in blood.

Khan drove off at high speed and ended up on the wrong side of the road before returning to the correct lane.

He also failed to stop and ignored two red lights before colliding with a vehicle near St. George’s Cross tube station.

The police present at the scene found “significant damage” to both vehicles.

Mr Yousif was taken to hospital where he was treated for a broken nose, facial swelling, damage to the oral cavity, a broken front tooth and a loose tooth.

Defence counsel John Scullion KC said at the verdict: “He accepts full responsibility for his actions in relation to the charges and in no way seeks to downplay his involvement.”

“He deeply regrets having acted in this way. He expresses remorse for his conduct and is aware of the impact this will have had on the victim and society as a whole.”