
Serial rapist who attacked girl flees conviction

Serial rapist who attacked girl flees conviction

Artur Drazkowski was convicted of eight charges after a trial at the High Court in Glasgow last month.

Jurors heard the 38-year-old later admit in a text that he was “evil”.

The crimes – including five rape allegations – were committed against the teenager between December 2017 and February 2019, mainly in Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire.

Drazkowski was trapped after the brave victim gave seven hours of harrowing testimony, which was delivered during the trial.

He was scheduled to be sentenced this week over the attacks.

Drazkowski was not present at the sentencing hearing last month because he was apparently discovered in his car in a “poor condition.”

Judge Thomas Welsh KC heard he was in hospital in either Glasgow or Stirling.

Drazkowski’s attorney, Sean Templeton, then went on to say he didn’t know exactly where Drazkowski was because police wouldn’t release details.

No arrest warrant has been filed against him at this time.

Drazkowski, from Clydebank, remained on bail but was not in the dock on Wednesday.

It is believed that there are fears that Drazkowski may have fled abroad.

This time an arrest warrant was issued as the hunt for the dangerous sex offender continues.

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The trial heard that Drazkowski gave the young victim alcohol, cannabis and a mysterious substance during the attacks.

He also became violent with her and raped her after locking the frightened girl in a car.

Damning text messages help convict Drazkowski.

The court heard he told another person he had “remorse about what I did to her”.

The predator added: “Somewhere along the road I lost my morals.”

In another text on the topic of liking boys, he replied: “You know it. You only live once.”

He also shockingly stated, “I am evil.”

The girl eventually spoke to police after confronting Drazkowski and calling him a “rapist and pedophile.”

In his closing speech to the jury, prosecutor Adrian Stalker said: “She didn’t just say that about him because he was harassing her and she wanted to make her complaint as serious as possible.”

But during the trial, Drazkowski claimed the allegations were “complete fabrication” and that “just nothing happened.”

Mr Stalker told the jury: “Some details were difficult to remember (for the victim) because she had since tried to put these events out of her mind.”

Drazkowski was not in court to hear the guilty verdicts last month.

Mr Stalker told Judge Welsh at the time: “He is in hospital in Glasgow or Stirling.”

“We don’t know anything about his current condition. Police saw him in his vehicle this morning in poor condition. We don’t know how bad.”

Defense attorney Templeton said at sentencing that he also had limited details about Drazkowski.

He said: “We have hit a data protection hurdle.

“The police will not provide information about the rules for sharing information to those who brief me.

“I have no further information other than he is in hospital receiving treatment.”