
Gateway – The Root

Gateway – The Root

What’s going on with legendary boxers and rape allegations? Just days after George Foreman a woman sued WHO accused the legendary boxer of sexual abuseHis former heavyweight colleague Mike Tyson is also facing rape allegations.

On Tuesday, an anonymous victim filed a Affidavit filed in Albany County Court claims that Tyson raped her outside a popular dance club in Albany in the early 1990s. affidavit is“I met Mike Tyson in the early 1990s at a dance club called Septembers. My girlfriend and I were hanging out with him and his limo driver. Tyson told us about a party and asked us if we wanted to come. My girlfriend wanted to drop off her car and Tyson said he would pick her up in the limo.”

The affidavit continues: “He then pulled down my pants and brutally raped me. As a result of Tyson’s rape, I suffered and continue to suffer physical, psychological and emotional injuries.”

The mysterious victim is suing Tyson for $5 million, claiming that she was “unable to maintain and/or develop healthy relationships with men or anyone else,” according to the legal action.

Although this is shocking news, this is not a new situation for Tyson. In 1992, “Iron Mike” was convicted of raping an 18-year-old beauty pageant contestant in Indiana. He was sentenced to six years in prison and released on parole three years later.

If this woman claims this happened in the early 1990s, it most likely happened before his conviction in 1992. Nothing is set in stone, but this is another example of Tyson’s already ugly past with women. During his marriage to ex-wife Robin Givens in the late 1980s, she claimed their relationship was marked by moments of anger, violence, and destruction.

I wonder why this anonymous victim waited until now. Every victim of sexual assault has their own timeline of when they are ready to tell their story. What made them make these allegations now?

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