
Could Portugal be excluded from the Schengen Agreement? What we know

Could Portugal be excluded from the Schengen Agreement?  What we know

Portugal is at risk of being excluded from the Schengen area due to delays in implementing new EU-mandated border control systems. Minister António Leitão Amaro blames the previous government for the delay. Urgent efforts are underway to meet the July deadline, with bureaucratic hurdles and financial constraints complicating the process. The result will have a significant impact on Portuguese tourism and relations with the EU.

Portugal’s Schengen status in jeopardy: Visa delays increase border control concerns

Portugal is currently struggling with an impending threat and possible exclusion from the Schengen area. The threat arises from the country’s delay in implementing new border control systems mandated by the European Union (EU). But despite the gloom, the issue receives little attention in domestic politics.

The main focus is on installing a new border control system. According to the mandate, it must be fully operational and validated by July. If the deadline is not met, there is a risk that Portugal will be excluded from the Schengen area. Such a move could have drastic consequences, especially for the country Tourism sector.

Presidential Minister António Leitão Amaro has openly acknowledged the problem at hand. He acknowledged the possible consequences for Portuguese tourism should there be a suspension. He attributed the delay to the previous government under António Costa. He pointed out that despite approving a budget of 25 million euros in March, they had not managed to start the tender process for the purchase of the necessary equipment.