
Buffalo 8 will distribute the film “Free LSD” from OFF!

Buffalo 8 will distribute the film “Free LSD” from OFF!

Buffalo 8 will distribute the film “Free LSD” from OFF!

Film distributor Buffalo 8 has acquired the distribution rights to the film OFF! Free LSDthe film that accompanies the album Free LSD . Cats in the film include OFF!’s Keith Morris, Dimitri Coats and Autry Fulbright II, as well as the late Dead Kennedys drummer DH Peligro, Jack Black, James Duval, Dana Gould, Barry Del Sherman, Chelsea Debo and Chloe Dykstra.

The film centers on an alternate reality Keith Morris, who works as a sex shop owner and falls in love with a younger woman. His romantic escapades lead him to an unconventional doctor specializing in erectile dysfunction and to an experimental drug. The drug’s side effects transport him to a parallel universe where he is not only the lead singer of OFF!, but also the target of a relentless AI species determined to stop the band from creating a consciousness-altering album.

As you probably know, OFF! ends this year after a few farewell shows this summer.