
Buffalo residents voice concerns over proposed budget

Buffalo residents voice concerns over proposed budget

Buffalo residents made their voices heard on Buffalo’s proposed $618 million budget at the Buffalo Common Council meeting Wednesday.

One of the main concerns expressed was the proposed 9% property tax increase.

Other concerns mentioned include the lack of funding for youth violence prevention, despite an increase in the police budget, as well as housing problems.

“To me, it’s like total financial chaos,” said one resident who spoke at the meeting. “Doggy paddling to stay afloat as a small business owner of a 114-year-old home. With a to-do list miles long. At this point, even the water bill feels like a blow. fist every quarter. And being a tax-paying citizen of this country, throughout this country, is starting to feel like one big pyramid scheme for the prison and military-industrial complex.”

The Common Council has until Wednesday, May 22 to decide on the budget.