
HISD seniors grill Mike Miles on stressed teachers and budget cuts

HISD seniors grill Mike Miles on stressed teachers and budget cuts

Days before heading to graduation, four Houston ISD seniors had the final say with the superintendent in their district’s overhaul.

The four students questioned HISD Superintendent Mike Miles Thursday about stressed teachers, cut programs and campus-wide unease during a forum hosted by Houston Landing.

Miles, who dramatically changed HISD’s campuses after arriving last summer, has largely defended his controversial overhaul of Texas’ largest district as a necessary change aimed at improving student performance. The many changes include using more standardized lesson plans and teaching methods, paying significantly higher salaries to teachers at 28 schools, and eliminating most librarian positions.

Here are four takeaways from the event, including some news Miles announced during a chat with the kids. The Landing selected the participating students, with journalist Asher Lehrer-Small moderating the event.

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Go out with a groan

Each of the four seniors, hailing from campuses across the district, argued that Miles’ rapid overhaul left them and their classmates disappointed with their final year in HISD. Their experiences resonated with many HISD students and staff, who described less freedom and more anxiety under Miles’ approach.

For Bellaire High School senior Ariana Castañeda, her final year on campus was little like her previous three. English teachers no longer spoke as openly and freely with students. The school’s educators did not adopt unconventional teaching approaches.

“Teachers who were thinking of retiring there now feel like they have to leave,” Ariana said. “The discussions and speeches that were so close to my heart now feel like they’re on a timer.”

Houston Landing education reporter Asher Lehrer-Small, left, moderates a conversation between Houston ISD Superintendent Mike Miles and HISD students Monday in downtown Houston. Pictured above are Bellaire High School senior Ariana Castañeda, center, and Yates High School senior Jayla London, right. (Marie D. De Jesús / Houston Landing)

Miles countered that many of his fundamental changes are aimed at boosting staff morale. Educators at about half of the district’s schools will earn an average salary above $80,000, which would rank them first in the Houston area. Teachers also spend less time writing lesson plans thanks to the standardized curriculum, Miles said.

For teachers unhappy with working conditions, Miles echoed his belief that teachers can choose to work elsewhere if they don’t like the culture at HISD under his leadership.

“People need to take ownership of their choice,” Miles said. “If they choose to work here, then the conditions are good for them. If not, it seems disingenuous to say, “I want a salary of $85,000, $88,000, or $90,000, but I’m crazy to work here and accept this salary.” »

Oppose budget cuts

Sterling High School senior Lorgi Martinez lamented the loss of a college counselor made available to her through Ignite, an organization partnered with HISD until this year. The Ignite counselor helped her navigate financial aid forms and the college application process better than Sterling High staff members, she said.

“Why cut these programs that are vital for students like me and help them? » asked Lorgi.

Miles responded that HISD was contracting with too many outside groups, contributing to a projected $500 million deficit without major cuts before the next school year.

“We’ve added and added and added, and now we just don’t have the money to do it,” Miles said. Trust that there are many programs and positions that need to be cut or we will find ourselves in a budget crisis.”

Houston ISD Superintendent Mike Miles, left, and Houston Landing K-12 education reporter Asher Lehrer-Small, right, converse during a Houston Landing live event Monday at the Hobby Center at downtown Houston. (Marie D. De Jesús / Houston Landing)

To help close that gap, Miles said Monday that HISD is cutting about 1,400 positions at the district’s central office, a figure he had not previously disclosed.

However, Miles did not provide a detailed breakdown of specific job cuts by department or position. To date, HISD officials have outlined the amounts that will be cut from various departments, with few details given on the positions and programs affected. The lack of specificity angered some community members, given that HISD must approve its 2024-25 budget by the end of June.

More professional programs?

While it’s unclear whether HISD will seek voter approval for a multibillion-dollar bond election in November, Miles discussed one potential priority in the package: career and technical programs.

Miles said he wants HISD to create three career training centers throughout the district, building on the success of the Barbara Jordan Career Center. Students from several HISD schools come to the career center for hands-on training in automotive technology, culinary arts and welding, among other trades.

Miles also detailed plans to offer several types of career-focused courses at every HISD high school: entrepreneurship, logistics, health sciences, networking and artificial intelligence.

“Career technical education is important and we have to start somewhere,” Miles said. ” We’re late. And we’re going to try to do something about it.

A better decision – and a rethink

Lehrer-Small opened the evening by asking Miles about his administration’s “best victory” and a point of regret.

Miles cited his decision to expand the most radical type of campus overhaul, expanding from the originally planned 28 schools to 85 campuses last summer.

“This feat has never been attempted in a large urban district,” Miles said. “Almost no one attempts large-scale systemic reform in a handful of schools, let alone 85.”

That speed of change, however, made Lorgi, the Sterling High senior, wonder if Miles tried too hard, too soon.

“Personally, I feel like the students were not prepared for the change to happen so quickly,” Lorgi said. “I think it takes a mental and emotional toll.”

Miles struck a rueful tone about his administration providing too little clarity on “school autonomy,” a phrase referring to the extent of decision-making over campus operations entrusted to principals . HISD has historically given principals more power to manage their schools than other districts in the region, many of which use more standardized staffing, curriculum and operational practices.

“What I would do again if I had the chance, and we’re trying to solve this problem now, is try to be clear about what autonomy schools have,” Miles said. “Not being completely clear about this has caused a lot of angst and confusion.”

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