
Ship attacked by Houthis sinks in Red Sea – second such sinking | World news

Ship attacked by Houthis sinks in Red Sea – second such sinking | World news

The Tutor has sunk in the Red Sea, the British Maritime Trade Operations Center said in a warning to seafarers in the region.

Houthis Yemen
The Houthis did not immediately confirm the plane’s sinking. (Representative image)

AP Dubai

A bulk carrier sank days after an attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels that presumably killed a sailor on board, authorities said early Wednesday. It was the second ship of its kind to be sunk in the rebel campaign.

The Tutor sank in the Red Sea, the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations Center said in a warning to sailors in the region.

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“Military authorities report debris and oil sighted at the last reported location,” the UKMTO said. “The ship is believed to have sunk.”

The Houthis did not immediately confirm the sinking of the ship.

The Tutor was attacked by a bomb-laden Houthi drone boat in the Red Sea a week ago. John Kirby, a White House national security spokesman, said Monday that the attack “killed a crew member who was from the Philippines.”