
Alleged rapist seeks bail to relocate mother from Greece to Australia

Alleged rapist seeks bail to relocate mother from Greece to Australia

A Melbourne man accused of raping and sexually assaulting three women is seeking bail so he can bring his elderly mother, who suffers from dementia, from Greece to Australia to open a bridal shop.

According to the Herald SunNektario Zafiratos appeared before the District Court on Wednesday via video link from prison, where he has been in custody for more than 400 days awaiting trial.

Zafiratos’s defence lawyer told the court that his client wanted bail because his 74-year-old mother was ill in Greece and he was “struggling with his mental health due to his detention”.

In anticipation of a possible release on bail, the 51-year-old had organized short-term accommodation through a friend he met in prison, the lawyer said.

The court heard her plan was for the friend to fly to Greece and help pack for Zafiratos’ mother and her bridal shop.

She has never met the person and suffers from advanced dementia.

She would be looked after by her son and open a new bridal shop here.

Judge David Sexton questioned how an elderly woman with a cognitive impairment “could fly anywhere, let alone from Athens to Melbourne”.

“I have received conflicting messages regarding your mother’s situation – she is old, frail, suffering from advanced dementia and wants to go to Australia, but I am not entirely sure what the arrangement will be if your friend goes to Athens to relocate her,” he said.

The public prosecutor also stated that there was a risk that the defendant would flee.

Judge Sexton refused bail, describing the charges as “very serious.”

The alleged sugar daddy is accused of contacting women online through the website “Seeking Arrangements” and raping and sexually abusing them on multiple occasions, including one woman to whom he offered $10,000.

The defendant will appear in court for a hearing later this month.