
Investigation launched into missing money from Roxboro Road Middle School parent organization

Investigation launched into missing money from Roxboro Road Middle School parent organization

SYRACUSE, NY (WSYR-TV) — An investigation has been launched into the theft of several thousand dollars from the Roxboro Road Middle School parent-teacher organization.

On Facebook, the PTO announced on Thursday, May 23, that after electing a new board in March, an audit of the organization’s finances was conducted and missing funds were uncovered.

Onondaga County District Attorney Bill Fitzpatrick said the amount could be between $35,000 and $50,000.

The Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office also confirmed that it had issued subpoenas for bank records.

The PTO is not administered by the North Syracuse Central School District.

The PTO’s full statement on Facebook can be found below:

At our March 11 meeting, the Roxboro Road Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) elected a new board of directors, which subsequently conducted a review of the organization’s records and finances. During this review, the board learned that some funds had been misappropriated under the supervision of a former PTO representative. The PTO board reported the discrepancy to school administration and law enforcement. A full investigation is currently underway regarding a single suspect who is no longer part of the PTO.

We are shocked by the news and the impact it will have on our student community.

The new board has been working on drafting new PTO bylaws and is in the process of establishing new procedures. We continue to encourage all parents/guardians to get involved, attend meetings, and share ideas to rebuild this PTO and make it the best in the district.