
And the winner of the baby buffalo name contest is… – Wadena Pioneer Journal

And the winner of the baby buffalo name contest is… – Wadena Pioneer Journal

WADENA — The new baby buffalo born April 26 at Sunnybrook Park Zoo has a name thanks to Alyssa Heltemes of Wadena.

The name “Walter” was chosen from more than 40 entries submitted to the Wadena Pioneer Journal and the Wadena Area Chamber of Commerce. Heltemes received $100 in room dollars, a large stuffed buffalo and the honor of naming the baby buffalo born April 26 at Sunnybrook Park Zoo.

“Walter’s” contest entry was submitted by Larry Heltemes on behalf of his daughter Alyssa, who often walks past the bison at Sunnybrook Park Zoo. “She really likes buffalo and liked the name ‘Walter,’ so I submitted the form on her behalf,” Larry Heltemes said.

Thanks to an anonymous donation of $50, two finalists were also rewarded.

Jayden Wood of Wadena submitted the name “Scout” and Jill Hahn also of Wadena submitted the name “Sully” and each won $25 in Chamber dollars and a stuffed baby buffalo.


Jayden Wood was chosen as a finalist under the name “Scout”. Wood received $25 in Chamber dollars and stuffed baby buffaloes.

Nicole Stracek / Wadena Pioneer Journal

Jill Hahn.jpg

Jill Hahn submitted the name “Sully” and was chosen as a finalist. Hahn received $25 in Chamber dollars and a stuffed baby buffalo.

Nicole Stracek / Wadena Pioneer Journal

To help raise funds to support the animals at Sunnybrook Park Zoo, the Pioneer Journal and the Wadena Area Chamber of Commerce are offering baby “Walter” stuffed buffaloes for $15 each, with a portion of the proceeds going to care for and improve animal habitats. zoo animals. Stop by the Pioneer Journal or the Wadena Area Chamber of Commerce to pick up your own “Walter.” Limited quantities available.

On behalf of the Wadena Pioneer Journal, we would like to thank everyone who submitted their best baby buffalo name ideas.

Nicole Strack

Nicole Stracek was a freelance writer for more than 10 years before joining the Wadena Pioneer Journal. She covers everything from city council and county council meetings to breaking news. The community reporter can be reached at 218-631-2561 or [email protected].