
Big reveal: 138-142 Seneca Street

Big reveal: 138-142 Seneca Street

Three long-vacant Seneca Street buildings have a mixed-use future. David Robida’s DRGK Properties LLC is seeking Preservation Board approval on renovation plans for 138-142 Seneca Street. 136 Seneca, a third building on the west end of the commercial block, is not included in the plan. Robida purchased the properties of James T. Sandoro.

From the application:

136 – 140 Seneca Street is a commercial block built between 1865 – ca. 1875. The Italianate-style brick buildings constitute a small potential historic district as a rare surviving example of commercial buildings in the neighborhood along Seneca Street. 140 Seneca Street is a local iconic property. 138 Seneca Street was built around 1930. 1878, while 136 and 140 were built in 1865. The proposed project involves rehabilitating 138 and 140 Seneca Street as commercial storefronts on the first floor and apartments on the second floor. ‘upper floor. This project pursues historic tax credits for rehabilitation.

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Sixteen parking spaces and a lot of 3,703 sq.ft. Additions are proposed to the rear of the buildings:

A floor will be added to the three-story portion to the south and a new four-story structure will be built in the court space to the south. The new construction will be clad with a system of metal panels. The color will be sandstone.

Schenne & Associates is working on the renovation plans. No number of residential units was provided.