
New York State… Go Fly a Kite

New York State… Go Fly a Kite

Last Sunday, I took my dogs to the water, as I usually do three or four times a week. But Sunday was different. At Buffalo Harbor State Park, where there are a few grassy mounds that usually only three or four people frequent, a number of spectators—including a group of families with children—were stationed. Their eyes were fixed on the sky, where a flock of kites flew overhead. Instead of loading the dogs into the car after our walk, I took them to a shady tree to lie down. We lay there for about 45 minutes, captivated by the colorful menagerie of kites flying overhead.

As I was relaxing with my dogs under the tree, I thought to myself, “I wonder why seeing a sight like this… kites flying overhead… is so unusual? Why aren’t there more kites flying by the water?”

My question was quickly answered by the man himself… the one who pulls all the strings. Apparently, kites aren’t allowed in the Outer Harbor, which is absurd, since they’re welcome in most other public places. But if it’s not allowed in the bylaws—written by the guy who writes the laundry list of things you can and can’t do in the Outer Harbor—then flying a kite is simply something to be considered illegal. Flying a kite?

Honestly, New York State should be embarrassed. Here we have a kite expert named James R. Emmanuele flying his kites because he is passionate about his hobby, only to be told it is not allowed. Why? Why is it not allowed? There are no power lines at risk. There are no low-flying airplanes. There is nothing to worry about.

Hell, I understand fireworks. I understand that having sex in public is illegal. But flying kites? Come on, come on.

When I first introduced myself to James, I said, “I hope New York State pays you to do this, because it’s awesome!” He told me that his services were not only undervalued, but frowned upon. He told me that he was constantly kicked out of waterfront parks for no apparent reason. Additionally, he was very direct and outspoken in his attempts to find ways to legally fly kites on the Buffalo waterfront, only to be told repeatedly, “No!”

When was the last time you saw five New York State Parks patrol cars swing into action to corral a perpetrator? I would say, “Never?” Until now, of course. Apparently, flying kites is such a serious offense that it takes a SWAT team to neutralize the situation. Seriously, I sometimes wonder if anyone has any common sense here. If they did, they would understand how ridiculous and infuriating it is that flying kites is considered a violation. Is this a directive from Governor Kathy Hochul? Does she have something against kites?

“It’s unfortunate that there’s no place to fly kites in the Outer Harbor,” James said. “There’s no logical reason why it shouldn’t be allowed.”

Well James, it’s not allowed because New York State Parks officials apparently have nothing better to do than bother people who are actually trying to make life better for everyone. Don’t bother the idiots on dirt bikes, or the dirt clods who constantly throw trash, or the vile drag racers, or the inconsiderate people who drink and leave their beer bottles in the park. Bother the people flying kites. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. What a way to ruin one of the best days of summer in the Outer Harbor for no reason at all.

Welcome to Buffalo. Not at all.

New York State? Go fly a kite.