
Senator Klobuchar announces committee approval of key bills to support first responders and improve criminal investigation

Senator Klobuchar announces committee approval of key bills to support first responders and improve criminal investigation

(KNSI) – Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) announced the Senate Judiciary Committee’s unanimous approval of two important bills aimed at supporting first responders and improving crime investigation resources.

The Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act is a bipartisan initiative to expand federal support for families of first responders dying from cancer caused by service-related exposure to carcinogens. In addition, disability benefits will be extended to those who become permanently unable to work due to such cancer. Currently, the Public Safety Officer Benefits (PSOB) program only covers physical injuries, heart attacks, strokes, mental illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder and 9/11-related illnesses.

The bill was introduced in honor of St. Paul Fire Capt. Michael Paidar, who died in 2020 of acute myeloid leukemia due to service-related carcinogen exposure. In 2021, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety granted line-of-duty benefits to Captain Michael Paidar’s widow, Julie, after vigorous advocacy by the Paidar family. This was the first time a firefighter’s family received service-connected cancer benefits under the Minnesota State Social Security program. This bill aims to ensure similar federal benefits for first responders across the country.

Senator Klobuchar emphasized the importance of this bill, stating: “Our first responders put their lives at risk to keep our communities safe, and it is unacceptable that officers who develop cancer or become permanently and completely disabled due to work-related stress will not receive one “Receive pay.” the same treatment as others who die in the line of duty.”

The Retired Law Enforcement Officers Continuing Service Act, co-sponsored by Klobuchar and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), also passed the committee. This bipartisan bill allows law enforcement agencies to hire retired officers for civilian law enforcement roles, improving the detection of auto thefts and other crimes and supporting the training of new officers.

Senator Grassley added: “Criminal trends threaten the peace and security of Americans and strain law enforcement resources.” Retired officers who are willing and able to continue to work to protect our communities should receive our support in doing so . I am pleased that this innovative and sensible measure is being taken forward as part of National Police Week.”

Both bills have received widespread support, including from the Fraternal Order of Police and the Major Cities Chiefs Association.

Additionally, the committee passed the Supporting and Treating Officers in Crisis (STOIC) Act, which Klobuchar supports. This legislation provides grants for law enforcement family support services and establishes suicide prevention and mental health programs for officers.


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