
South coast on alert due to storms

South coast on alert due to storms

The south coast should close its doors this afternoon as the National Weather Service is forecasting heavy thunderstorms for the evening and a severe weather warning is in effect for the region.

The warning was upgraded to a severe weather warning and remained in effect until 4:15 p.m. on Sunday.

According to a report released Sunday morning, much of Massachusetts is under a moderate risk of severe weather, with the greatest danger being “damaging winds, but heavy hail and isolated tornadoes are also possible throughout the state.”

Locally, the NWS thunderstorm warning warns of wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour and possible pea-sized hail. More showers and thunderstorms are expected through the evening. The greatest threat of thunderstorms is expected between 2 and 10 p.m.

“Some of the storms could be severe,” the NWS reported.

“These storms produce heavy hail, damaging winds, and constant cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. Get indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature’s leading causes of death. Remember, if you hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning.

“These storms bring torrential rain that may cause flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roads.”

What to do in case of a severe thunderstorm?

If you are outdoors during a severe thunderstorm, quickly seek shelter inside a building. Do not seek shelter under trees.

Stay away from windows. Avoid using running water or appliances plugged into electrical outlets.

If you can’t make it into a building, a parked car is the next best place to be if you’re outside during a thunderstorm. Make sure the car is parked in a place where it’s safe from falling power lines or trees.

If it is raining and you are caught in sudden flooding, do not drive through flooded areas. Turn around immediately and find an alternative route.