
Major weather record could be broken in Buffalo, New York

Major weather record could be broken in Buffalo, New York

The next few days in Western New York are expected to be hot. Meteorologists from local Buffalo news stations and the National Weather Service are warning that temperatures will be quite high this week because Buffalo is directly under a heat dome.

The temperatures are expected to be quite dangerous, so much so that government leaders are sounding the alarm and asking for proper precautions to be taken to ensure safety during these hot days. From allowing students home from school early to opening cooling sheds, plans are afoot to give people options to stay cool.

READ MORE: Excessive heat forces schools to close early in Buffalo

While this heat will surely be uncomfortable, it could offer a potential benefit. Buffalo could break a temperature record that has stood the test of time.

Believe it or not, Buffalo has never recorded a temperature of 100° or higher in its more than 200 year history. According to data from the National Weather Service, the hottest temperature ever recorded in Buffalo was 99º, on August 27, 1948. Buffalo also recorded a few days of 98º, on July 9, 2020 and September 3, 1953, but it did not never reached 100º.

However, if current weather trends continue, this could all change this week as we are in for several warm days.

READ MORE: Buffalo opens cooling centers in preparation for heatwave

Although no one really likes it when it’s this hot, do your best to enjoy it because we all remember how cold it is in winter.

These are the 8 signs and symptoms of heatstroke

The 5 hottest days in New York State

Here’s a look at the Top 5 hottest temperatures recorded in New York State.

Gallery credit: Dave Fields